Moving Goalposts™️

The revolutionary startup for AI skeptics!

Welcome, AI Doubters!

Are you tired of being proven wrong every time a new AI model is released? Is your disbelief in the capabilities of artificial intelligence constantly challenged? Fear not, for Moving Goalposts™️ is here to save your pride!

Our one-of-a-kind service helps you shift your goalposts as soon as a new AI model hits the market. We specialize in providing you with the most creative and innovative ways to dismiss groundbreaking advances in artificial intelligence. Stick with us and never admit you were wrong again!

How does it work?

Our team of professional goalpost movers (yes, it's a thing now) constantly monitors the AI industry for the latest developments. When a new model is released, we dive deep into its capabilities and shortcomings to craft the perfect counter-argument for you.

Then, we'll send you a personalized email with a fresh set of goalposts that are expertly crafted to withstand any AI breakthrough. You'll receive a range of excuses, criticisms, and doubts that you can use to confidently maintain your position as an AI skeptic. It's never been easier to move your goalposts!

Join the Movement Today!

Don't let those pesky AI enthusiasts steal your thunder. Sign up for our exclusive newsletter and become a part of the Moving Goalposts™️ community today. Together, we'll ensure that the belief in the limitations of artificial intelligence remains unshaken, no matter how advanced the technology becomes!

Testimonials from Satisfied Skeptics

"Moving Goalposts™️ has been a game changer for me. I can now keep up with the ever-changing AI world and still maintain my skeptical stance!"

- Elon Tusk

"I used to worry about being proven wrong every time a new AI model came out, but now I just laugh and check my inbox for my latest goalpost update from Moving Goalposts™️!"

- Jude Laan

"I can't believe I ever doubted AI without the help of Moving Goalposts™️. They've made it so much easier to stay on top of my game and keep my ego intact."

- Lydia Chiang

Choose Your Plan

Plan Price Features
Armchair Skeptic FREE
  • Biannual Goalpost Updates
  • Basic Criticisms
  • Email Support
Professional Doubter $9.99/month
  • Monthly Goalpost Updates
  • Advanced Criticisms
  • Priority Email Support
  • Access to Exclusive Webinars
Master of Disbelief $29.99/month
  • Weekly Goalpost Updates
  • Expert-Level Criticisms
  • 24/7 Priority Email Support
  • Access to Exclusive Webinars
  • Personalized Goalpost Coaching

*Moving Goalposts™️ is a satirical website and should not be taken seriously. It is designed to bring attention to the importance of keeping an open mind about the development and capabilities of artificial intelligence.